The Adventures Of Dr. Gene And WonderMum

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

How Did I Get Here?

Dearest God,

How did I get to this place? This place in my life that shows me just how blessed I am...I sit in this house that you gave my fiancee and I...sure it's old...but I love it's history. I look at our collies running around our yard...barking like maniacs....and the cats...looking at me as if they cannot BELIEVE I am in THEIR house (after all...we all know we humans were put on this Earth simply to serve them!)and I feel so much love....YOUR love...(Which Gene and I place first in our lives of course), the love I share with Gene(which will take an entirely different entry for me to talk about, his love for me is so full), the love I have for our sons, and they for us. Our neices (Christy and Amanda) and our Nephew (Dyllan) all of which we love to pieces, and all the rest of our family (which has grown painfully small due to death), and I can't help but to say thank you Lord...for everything, all of the love, and laughter, and joy...even for the pain, and sorrow and hard times. I say this because, through all of these things...I know that you are REAL...and that your love for us is real..and here..and strong....thank you.


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