The Adventures Of Dr. Gene And WonderMum

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Dr. Gene

What can I tell you about Gene? I met him just over 5 years ago...and he changed my life forever...We met over the phone, quite by accident. We found that we thought one another interesting...and after a few weeks of speaking via Ma Bell...decided to meet. I remember praying the entire way there (to our first date) that this man would be kind, and loving, and handsome, and intelligent enough to carry on a conversation with, and that if HE were the one for me...for God to let us both know it right away. Boy, was THAT prayer answered! (lol) Within 5 minutes of meeting one another, we were talking in this wierd shorthand that, amazingly enough, we both understood. *I sit and laugh as I think of that first evening* This had to be what most would call the most boring first date in history...but not Gene and I. After dinner, we had to go shopping (an errand for my mother) and so we wandered around Wal-Mart (hand in hand) and did my shopping. We then wandered around Movie Gallery (again hand in hand)simply not wanting our evening to end. We both knew...within the first few minutes of meeting each other...that our lives had been changed undeniably, forever. We stayed in constant touch after that. We lived over 100 miles apart, but, that didn't matter. All of our freetime was now to be spent on the phone with one another...talking, praying, making plans. Every weekend for years to come, we would be together. Gene would drive after having worked 16 hours a day for the last five days to come see me. (I live in a small town so the local motel merchant and his family got to know us VERY well! lol. It was odd though, from the beginning, Gene and I KNEW that our relationship was special...and that we wanted to KEEP it that way. So we endeavered to master two things (by the way....pardon my horrible spelling) to NOT have sex until after we were married, and, to NEVER intentionaly hurt one another. This was a real chore more times than one...but, we stuck to our promise. We've never had a problem not hurting one was the no sex part that got us...but we got used to it over the years. We found other "ways" of doing things if you catch my drift.
Well...enough of that. About my Gene. What can I say about him? He's tall, and strong, and handsome and charming...sweet beyond compare. He has a gentle heart and soul that lifts me out of my bad self esteem, my worries over being too fat or too old, he supports me in everything I do. He holds me when I don't even realize that I need it....and chuckles and laughs and snuggles with me late at night as we lay in bed. He dreams with me, massages my back as I sleep, cooks wonderful meals, takes me out to wonderful places..and is a wonderful and much loved father to my children. He knows me better than I know myself...and Gene...if you are reading this...I love you...and I thank God for you everyday of my life...and I can't wait for June I can become Mrs Dr. Gene!


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