The Adventures Of Dr. Gene And WonderMum

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Such a quiet week...

Easter came and went with nary a visit from yon Easter Bunny....seeing that I am 43....maybe he thinks I am just too old......I beg to differ...what I DID get, however, was a suprise. I awoke at 3 in the afternoon (which is what happens when you've raised all of your children...along with a few that were not your own...and are currently enjoying the life of a "Domestic goddess") and my yummy husband-to-be has prepared an turkey dinner, complete with the chocolate cream pie that I have been craving for a few weeks now, and sitting in the middle of the a dozen red roses ( that said yummy man has) mixed in several small orchids amoung them...and I smile. He kisses me lovingly...asks me how I slept (considering the I didn't get to bed until after the sun came up...I guess ok) and tells me that he wanted to give me something "special" in return for all of the holidays that our sons and I have made special for him. (He hadn't had alot of great holidays in his life until we had come along and gave him a taste of Holiday life Hillbilly style) and I smile, looking at this wonderful man and I wonder silently..."Should I be angry over the fact that not only is this man smarter than I, prettier than I, more sucessful than I...and he's a better cook than I........................................................NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...just be sure to keep him! I say to myself as he serves me my dinner and we give thanks for all we have


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