What To Do?
When Blindsided by a bitch? I raised a learning disabled son, one with not only a sensory disorder...but one with facial paralysis, significant hearing loss and aggressive behavior disorders. It was TOUGH to say the very least...and YES there were times when I expected more from my son than he was able to give...and there were times when I cried my eyes out when people would constantly remind me of the shortcomings he had. Kevin had to be taken to 5 different therapy sessions a day, sessions where just the mere touch of a paint brush to the skin of his arm would make him scream in abject terror...or the fact that the therapist made him sit in a kiddy pool filled with uncooked beans gave the poor kid nightmares for a week afterward . I couldn't even HUG Kevin to make it all better because the touch of another human being would send the poor kid right off the deep end..but he did his best....just like I did my best. I learned ALOT about not only my son...but myself...about when to stress about things and when to take a step back and get back to the basics with him...I learned this mostly through error...but I learned. Today I tried to help my stepdaughter, who's going through the same thing with HER son. I could see in her words how badly she is being affected. She's tired....She's stressed...she mistakenly thinks there's something wrong in the way SHE'S being a mom...actually she's a WONDERFUL mom...one of the best, most patient I've heard of. But BECAUSE I mistakenly thought she WANTED help (She was merely venting evidently...but I mistook her blog for something else) I was publicly called a condisending ass. Now...I realize that I have never even MET my stepdaughter face to face (the reasons for that I won't go into) but that dosen't stop my from loviing her and her family unconditionaly. She dosen't get this...*shrugs* maybe she never will who knows. That dosen't stop me from loving this girl and hurting for her everytime she berates herself (either conciously or unconciously) because I know EXACTLY what she's going through...EXACTLY. Now some BITCH that I have never heard of wants to publicly slap ME in the face for merely misreading the situation and trying to help? *Chuckles* I don't think so...back up...
(BTW..if my stepdaughter is reading this...I humbly apologize if I IN ANY WAY offended you HUN...it was not my intent, nor was it my intent to seem condescending. You're a wonderful mother Honey...truly. Do not worry that your father might see this...he dosen't read this blog because I have others that I am far more active with. He has decided that blogging is not his thing anyway, and, you know him...since he's decided it's not for him I could place a 100 ft. tall blog screen in our front yard and he wouldn't notice...so it's cool