The Adventures Of Dr. Gene And WonderMum

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

What To Do?

When Blindsided by a bitch? I raised a learning disabled son, one with not only a sensory disorder...but one with facial paralysis, significant hearing loss and aggressive behavior disorders. It was TOUGH to say the very least...and YES there were times when I expected more from my son than he was able to give...and there were times when I cried my eyes out when people would constantly remind me of the shortcomings he had. Kevin had to be taken to 5 different therapy sessions a day, sessions where just the mere touch of a paint brush to the skin of his arm would make him scream in abject terror...or the fact that the therapist made him sit in a kiddy pool filled with uncooked beans gave the poor kid nightmares for a week afterward . I couldn't even HUG Kevin to make it all better because the touch of another human being would send the poor kid right off the deep end..but he did his best....just like I did my best. I learned ALOT about not only my son...but myself...about when to stress about things and when to take a step back and get back to the basics with him...I learned this mostly through error...but I learned. Today I tried to help my stepdaughter, who's going through the same thing with HER son. I could see in her words how badly she is being affected. She's tired....She's stressed...she mistakenly thinks there's something wrong in the way SHE'S being a mom...actually she's a WONDERFUL of the best, most patient I've heard of. But BECAUSE I mistakenly thought she WANTED help (She was merely venting evidently...but I mistook her blog for something else) I was publicly called a condisending ass. Now...I realize that I have never even MET my stepdaughter face to face (the reasons for that I won't go into) but that dosen't stop my from loviing her and her family unconditionaly. She dosen't get this...*shrugs* maybe she never will who knows. That dosen't stop me from loving this girl and hurting for her everytime she berates herself (either conciously or unconciously) because I know EXACTLY what she's going through...EXACTLY. Now some BITCH that I have never heard of wants to publicly slap ME in the face for merely misreading the situation and trying to help? *Chuckles* I don't think so...back up...

(BTW..if my stepdaughter is reading this...I humbly apologize if I IN ANY WAY offended you was not my intent, nor was it my intent to seem condescending. You're a wonderful mother Honey...truly. Do not worry that your father might see this...he dosen't read this blog because I have others that I am far more active with. He has decided that blogging is not his thing anyway, and, you know him...since he's decided it's not for him I could place a 100 ft. tall blog screen in our front yard and he wouldn't it's cool

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Honey....This MUST Be Luv

Gene and I spent the entire night (even though HE had been up since 5:30 a.m. and had worked all day, then had driven over 150 miles to get home) talking...snoozing (for pitifuly short amounts of time...I hang my head in shame) then about 7 a.m. I went out and got said loving husband breakfast and gased up his sports car (because I swear it was threatening me in foul language as the fuel light blinked at me over and over) then came home...waking the poor man up AGAIN to make him eat the breakfast I went out and hunted for...then we mercifuly fell asleep (In my case tioll 1:30...his case 2:30) He came into the workroom...mumbled something about renting out my cat....(meaning the feline type.....ewwww...get real here) and then gave me COD LIVER OIL for my health....AND I TOOK IT! As I said folks...This MUST be love!

Monday, August 14, 2006

How It Feels To Be Divinely favored

I'm sorry it's been so very long since I've sat down and put thought to screen...but my summer's been nothing if not fun and busy! Gene and I got married on June 23rd. His sister (yes...a Minister) did the was a very spiritual ceremony...those very few that attended claimed they could really feel the presence of the Lord there. We then went away from a 10 day Honeymoon...Went to Pigeon Forge Tenessee. OMG! We had SO much fun! Stayed in a goegeous one bedroom cabin that had two hot tubs...a nicely sized deck...everything one could ever want in a home. It was so close to Heaven on Earth...My new Husband and I have decided to move there. We are looking to buy a business there even as we speak.

I'm so thankful for the gift of my new husband...well...even though the bond of husband and wife is new...the love and the relationship is not...we've been together over 5 years...and it just seems like we get closer everyday......and sometimes I shudder to think back on some of the past relationships that I THOUGHT was love...It makes me Thank God for the prayers he DIDN'T answer, but, more importantly for the one that he DID. It lets me know that not only am I blessed...I have been divinely favored...