The Adventures Of Dr. Gene And WonderMum

Monday, August 14, 2006

How It Feels To Be Divinely favored

I'm sorry it's been so very long since I've sat down and put thought to screen...but my summer's been nothing if not fun and busy! Gene and I got married on June 23rd. His sister (yes...a Minister) did the was a very spiritual ceremony...those very few that attended claimed they could really feel the presence of the Lord there. We then went away from a 10 day Honeymoon...Went to Pigeon Forge Tenessee. OMG! We had SO much fun! Stayed in a goegeous one bedroom cabin that had two hot tubs...a nicely sized deck...everything one could ever want in a home. It was so close to Heaven on Earth...My new Husband and I have decided to move there. We are looking to buy a business there even as we speak.

I'm so thankful for the gift of my new husband...well...even though the bond of husband and wife is new...the love and the relationship is not...we've been together over 5 years...and it just seems like we get closer everyday......and sometimes I shudder to think back on some of the past relationships that I THOUGHT was love...It makes me Thank God for the prayers he DIDN'T answer, but, more importantly for the one that he DID. It lets me know that not only am I blessed...I have been divinely favored...


At 4:47 PM, Blogger Raquita said...

congrats on your new marriage, and thanks for hte hint on a neat place to go stateside. I so hope you and your husband have many many happy years togeher.

At 1:18 PM, Blogger The Adventures Of Dr. Gene and His Mate WonderMum said...

Thanks! I found your blog while reading ANOTHER blog (state of discontent...hey J!) I lives in STL for years and years...worked on Arsonal St...which sucked. Love Pigeon Forge SO MUCH MORE! much better place to raise your daughter I would say...


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