The Adventures Of Dr. Gene And WonderMum

Monday, May 15, 2006

*Sighs* Such A Wonderful Day!

*Sighs once again as she sits down* Well, what can I say? Mother's Day 2006 came and went. I really hadn't expected it to be anything but just another day, after all, my children are all grown and have lives of their own. With my wedding coming up in June, I didn't expect to have anyone go to any expense or have anyone even acknowlege Mother's day with more than the cousery (is that even SPELLED right?) phone call. Let me tell you about my day and what you younger mom's can expect in the future...

I awoke around 3:30 pm...I hadn't been sleeping well all week and I think it just kind of caught up with me. My mate, God bless him, had simply allowed me to he is apt to do....I awoke to the ringing of the phone, and my son, Yan's, voice. "Happy Mother's day Ma!" (he has a rather thick chinese you can imagine how adorable this sounded) He had JUST finished telling me on the phone that he wouldn't be able to come home until tomorrow, which of course, I understood. Not EVERYONE can get off for this occasion of occasions. After hanging up, I heard a faint tapping on my bedroom door, thinking it was my OLDEST son, I tell my mate to answer it...seeing as I sleep unclothed and I didn't want to blind the poor boy...Gene left the room...and came back in, smiling. "There's a suprise out there for you" I sigh...wondering what I was going to be expected to go through (thinking all the while "Oh PLEASE don't let it be company!") I dress quickly and walk out...and there's my youngest son sitting on the couch, smiling at the older son is cleaning my house! "Now I thought you couldn't come home until tomorrow..." I say, narrowing my eyes for effect as I give my Baby the mother of all bear hugs. This is when I am told that I am being taken out to dinner....and what a feast it was! It was hand prepared by my youngest...We were taken to the local chinese restraunt (which btw is owned by my son's Uncle) and there I was presented with course after course of the best in Asian delicasies (once that spelled right?) Steamed clams in currant sauce, fresh steamed baby squid in a soy/brown sauce, dumplings, Special Fried rice...overflowig with shrimp, just the way I love it, sauteed mushrooms, veggies...and mountains of home made Crab Rangoon! If you know me at know that by this time I am in Heaven, because my favorite in all the world is chinese food. To have all of this prepared by my very own son was breath taking to say the least (all of this AFTER I had passed down the royal command that he was NOT to work today....the little brat!). I must hear my children as they sit around me...thanking me for being such a wonderful mother makes all of the nights spent up walking the floor, holding a colicky infant...of having one of them puke on my best outfit...of feeling the SNAP of your heirloom necklace as you baby grins in delight, screaming "MINE!" all worth it....I only wish now that they were babies again....*I think a moment...cocking my eyebrow comicaly * Ladies! WHAT AM I SAYING???


At 9:14 AM, Blogger Raquita said...

I'm glad your kids showered you so well with love, you sound as if you totally deserved it!!


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