What To Do?
When Blindsided by a bitch? I raised a learning disabled son, one with not only a sensory disorder...but one with facial paralysis, significant hearing loss and aggressive behavior disorders. It was TOUGH to say the very least...and YES there were times when I expected more from my son than he was able to give...and there were times when I cried my eyes out when people would constantly remind me of the shortcomings he had. Kevin had to be taken to 5 different therapy sessions a day, sessions where just the mere touch of a paint brush to the skin of his arm would make him scream in abject terror...or the fact that the therapist made him sit in a kiddy pool filled with uncooked beans gave the poor kid nightmares for a week afterward . I couldn't even HUG Kevin to make it all better because the touch of another human being would send the poor kid right off the deep end..but he did his best....just like I did my best. I learned ALOT about not only my son...but myself...about when to stress about things and when to take a step back and get back to the basics with him...I learned this mostly through error...but I learned. Today I tried to help my stepdaughter, who's going through the same thing with HER son. I could see in her words how badly she is being affected. She's tired....She's stressed...she mistakenly thinks there's something wrong in the way SHE'S being a mom...actually she's a WONDERFUL mom...one of the best, most patient I've heard of. But BECAUSE I mistakenly thought she WANTED help (She was merely venting evidently...but I mistook her blog for something else) I was publicly called a condisending ass. Now...I realize that I have never even MET my stepdaughter face to face (the reasons for that I won't go into) but that dosen't stop my from loviing her and her family unconditionaly. She dosen't get this...*shrugs* maybe she never will who knows. That dosen't stop me from loving this girl and hurting for her everytime she berates herself (either conciously or unconciously) because I know EXACTLY what she's going through...EXACTLY. Now some BITCH that I have never heard of wants to publicly slap ME in the face for merely misreading the situation and trying to help? *Chuckles* I don't think so...back up...
(BTW..if my stepdaughter is reading this...I humbly apologize if I IN ANY WAY offended you HUN...it was not my intent, nor was it my intent to seem condescending. You're a wonderful mother Honey...truly. Do not worry that your father might see this...he dosen't read this blog because I have others that I am far more active with. He has decided that blogging is not his thing anyway, and, you know him...since he's decided it's not for him I could place a 100 ft. tall blog screen in our front yard and he wouldn't notice...so it's cool
Hey, I didn't leave the comment, so why are you attacking me?
Andrea is not a bitch. She commented because she knows who you are, and she knows that you keep leaving deliberately provocative comments (such as comparing my loving husband to my neglectful, abusive father, etcetera) on my blog even though I have asked you to leave me alone, and she knows that I have continued to tolerate your presence because I am a non-confrontational person and I don't like to censor my blog.
And you are not my stepmother. You are a woman who claims to have recently married a father I haven't seen or spoken to in nearly eight years. You have never met me in person. I don't even know for certain if you are the person you claim to be. How can you possibly claim to be a parental figure to me when I've never met you?
I strongly suggest you take this post down, now. I am sick of you following me around the internet. When you attack my friends, you cross a line.
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Who's the bitch here? Jaelithe has repeatedly and vigorously asked you to stop commenting on her blog, to stop trying to get in touch with her, and to leave her completely alone. She doesn't know you and doesn't WANT to know you, or be chummy with your supposed husband, her ABUSIVE FATHER (two words you seem to be willfully ignoring). Isn't that obvious from her comment to this post?
You're the one who's pushing your way into her life, into her blogging world when that's supposed to be her sanctuary. She has made it completely clear that she wants nothing to do with her ABUSIVE FATHER, and therefore nothing to do with you. But you ignore her requests to be left alone by leaving cryptic comments on her blog all the time about how you "know she read at a young age" when she tells the story of Isaac reading a carton of milk in the grocery store, and about how you "know what she's going through" with Isaac's Sensory Integration Disorder. Not only was your comment yesterday unhelpful and condescending, it's in clear defiance of Jaelithe's repeated requests to be left alone.
Face it, woman. You're cyberstalking her, and that is a crime in this area, in case you haven't heard. So I will get up in your business any time you make my friend uncomfortable, any time you refuse to leave her alone, and any time you try to push your way into her life when she's ASKED YOU TO BACK THE RIGHTEOUS FUCK OFF! If that makes me a bitch, so be it.
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OK...I am not going to leave what I had first thought to, it was reactionary and, quite frankly quite crass, unladylike and unchristian. What I WILL say is this...I am disappointed in you Jaelithe...I had thought that you were emotionaly functional enough NOT to assign the sins of your father to me, I guess I was wrong...I apologize if I have even for one moment caused you upset or dismay...that was not my intent. Whether you choose to believe me or not, I am your stepmother, you may check for my wedding license in the county of my residence...you have all of my contact information including my address and phone number so I encourage you to do so. My only hope is that someday you look back and realize I never once said anything that was anything but loving, kind, and supportive to you in any, shape or form either TO or ABOUT you or about your family...the ONLY thing I may be guilty of is being a bit obtuse. You see...you never said anything to me about not wanting to hear from ME...only your father...and no matter how rude, childish or unladylike you were about the things you tried to convince me of...I never even got angry with you. There IS a difference, however, in "turning the other cheek" and "being someone's doormat" I will no longer be your emotional doormat Jaelithe...I am through trying to help you to stop making yourself the victim in every scenerieo...I suggest you get both professional and spiritual help for this and I pray you do not do the same to your son. I still love you as a daughter...and your son as my grandson..and I always will...Please feel free to contact me should you ever have need to and I will be there to help in anyway needed with a loving heart...but I refuse to endure unwarrented attacks from you..or anyone...even if the friend you bring along to attack me is well beneith even Darwin's specifications for a human being. Her stunning lack of both knowlege and human traits does not mean that I have to take pity on her and endure it. So I wipe my hands of the both of you...I wish you well...I forgive you both...and I pray God's blessings and forgiveness for the both of you because what comes around, goes around My Darlings and I don't want to hear you whining about it when it does.
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